Ligny's Blog was very interesting. Even though her opinion did not differ with the others' opinions, what makes her blog different is that actually made a research and prove her statements with true facts. I learned a lot of things on her blog: the Native Americans' leaders, customs, etc. Also, she stated her opinion with respect and decent words.
Mykaella's Blog really grasped me since the beginning. "The whites gained their freedom from taking away the Native Americans" was a captivating and deep title that makes you wanna read more. I agreed with her with everything she said. Even though she did not made a research, she used facts that she knew and fitted very well in her point. From her blog, I learn more about the Dakota Sioux and other tragic events that were catastrophic for the Native Americans. She also stated her opinion in a respectful way, and what I liked the most about hers was that she didn't just based her theory in historical facts, she dug deeper, saying of how Americans' personality made them commit the crimes they did.
In Albert's Blog, he stated a good point: where the Native Americans using violence or defending themselves? He first started describing how Native Americans were portrayed in movies, the way they were seen in front of the world. I agreed with him in the fact that Native Americans were defending themselves, even though violence doesn't get us to any good, they were trying to defend their land and their rights. I also enjoyed this blog because from all the blogs I have read, this is the only one that gives me specific details about the Wild West, and I like how he uses antonyms to describe how something was portrayed in movies, and how it was in reality. Very well done.
Angel's Blog was also very interesting. He described almost all the events that happened. He stated a good opinion, on how Native Americans were abused, and how unfair it was. I liked that he also gave he's opinion, also including facts. I agreed with everything he said, and we can see that he put a lot of effort into it, as it was well written and I understood everything he said.
From all the blogs I have read, Paulette's Blog was one of the best. She wrote about assimilation. First, she stated the history, the Native Americans customs; their identity. Then she stated numbers, of how people were killed and wounded. Then she stated her opinion about assimilation. I really enjoyed reading this blog because she did not wrote anything without a real concrete proof, and I agreed with everything she said. NO TO ASSIMILATION!
"Life has just three rules: PARADOX, HUMOUR and CHANGE. PARADOX: Life is a mystery, don't waste time trying to figure it out. HUMOUR: Keep a sense of humour, especially about yourself. It is a strength beyond all measure. CHANGE: Know that nothing stays the same." -Peaceful Warrior
viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011
jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011
"Ambition, or Obsession?"
Throughout the decades, the Native Americans have struggled to find their freedom in the supposedly “country of dreams”. They experienced every calamity, every infamy a human being can experienced. From hanging to murdered, abused and chased, Indians passed through all. All of these unfortunate events were a little bit contradictory because when America was founded, it was mainly known for its revolutionary beliefs of human rights. If it was a free country, why did white Americans did not allowed the Indians to be in the country?
Before I start discussing about this topic, we should keep in mind that white Americans were NOT always in control of the United States. Even though the real inhabitants were the Natives, many European countries (Great Britain, France, etc.) colonized America, making the country (called “New England” by that time) a country of different nationalities. A new race was surging after many people settled in the states and started creating their families. These people, Americans by birth, were inferior, and did not have any control of their land. For many years, Americans struggled to find their liberty, and after numerous and bloody wars, they finally succeeded, and with that victory, they did not just gained their freedom, but a certain pride that we still see around.
Why do I think white Americans treated Native Americans so miserably as an obsession? First, I have to give credit to the Nation’s government and people from that time because after the country was formed as the United States, it was very difficult to keep it together, but they have succeeded. I still find intriguing that whites went against their beliefs by treating Native Americans like if they were animals, when in the past, they were treated exactly the same. The Golden Rule says: “One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated”, and coming from the people that struggled for many years against this kind of behavior (against the British), I find kind of “odd” that they would do the exact same thing when they know how it feels to be treated with inferiority. In my personal opinion, this problem was not only caused by ambition, it was also a psychological problem, a fear, a fear of losing the land that they have struggled to maintain.
There is no real scientific proof that can support my theory, but there are a chain of events that can lead us to many conclusions. I based my theory, not just in the events were Americans abused Natives’ rights, but also way back in the past. Like I said earlier, after winning the war against Britain, Americans were finally freed from their chains of dependence. They conquered what they were waiting for decades: to control their own country and be able to make the important decisions. It was so important for them to get their independence, and they proved in front of the whole world that they were capable of anything. With the British out of the way, there was only TWO threats: AFRICAN AMERICANS (SLAVES) and NATIVE AMERICANS.
Why would the Americans wanted to get rid of these two races? Because they represented a threat to their country! They did not want to share, it was THEIR PRIDE, and they might felt that these other races would want to take it away, as in the past, the British was controlling it. It’s understandable, because if I fight for something I want, and after many sacrifices I get it, it would be hard for me to just share it when I was the one who fought for it. Like I said it’s quit understandable if we see it from that point of view, but we’re forgetting one little detail: Native Americans OWNED those lands first, even though it wasn’t written on paper, it was their land that was took away by the white supremacy.
For a country that was based on freedom, they were really judgmental. They tried to make Native Americans assimilate (to adopt the white’s customs) so they can be accepted in society. This has happen a lot of times, even with immigrants, whom are not well accepted because of their different customs. The truth is, Americans did not like what was different, if someone was not white, they would not like it. They would just accept what was the same as everyone else. It had to be their way because if someone did not follow their conditions, there would be fatal consequences.
What for me it is hard to understand is that many of the Americans fought for the African Americans rights, whom were a different race, with different CUSTOMS and a different SKIN COLOR, why they didn’t did the same for the Native Americans? Because African Americans were not a threat at all! Native Americans were difficult to control because their had their country within the country, they would not accept anyone to change their mind, while African Americans did struggled a lot because they were not free.
It is easier to find proof about things that happened, like wars, but when it comes to internal conflicts, it is way harder to predict. My statement is completely based on the events that happened in the past, and based of the personality that we know of Americans, which had not changed at all. These days, Americans still keep their pride and they still have problems with other races (Latin immigrants). To resume this hypothesis in just one sentence: Whites tried to get rid of the Native Americans because they represented a threat, and they would do anything to keep other people to “take away their country”.
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