martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Top 10 Posts

Albert Matos
  • I choose Albert's proposal because I think that the world needs a social change. His idea of making sutdents to take Sociology courses it's helpful because everyone would be oriented about the social issues around the world and these problems could be reduced.
Elsa Obando
  • I personally loved Elsa's proposal because it is a constant fight every single day. People are often discriminated and treated unequally because of their race, ethnicity, etc. Sometimes, this people are very hard working and because their from the minority group, their not treated the way they deserved. Everyone should be treated equally, no matter their race, religion beliefs, etc.
Ashley Galarza
  • Puerto Rico is a small island, and because of that fact we often get mistreated. It doesn't matter how powerful it's our country, but we all are HUMAN BEINGS and we all should be treated equally and be heard. I like Ashley's proposition because it is not fair that the government are not doing anything to help our society and we have to wait four years to elect new candidates. I think this proposal might sound a little rebellious, but I approve it.
Paulette Arquer
  • Paulette stated a lot of good points about the Elderly's Rights. I agreed with her proposal because even though we all should be treated the same, there are some privileges that senior citizens should not have. Some of them should not be allowed to drive because their putting their life in danger. I think that they are a big part of our community and should not be mistreated.
Mykaella Morales
  • I approved this proposal because it talks about one of, if not the most controversial topic of the United States: homosexuality.This people are often mistreated because of their preferences. I think it's ridiculous because the cave days and the Hitler days are over. We're in the 21st Century, and freedom of speech is one of the most important facts of this era. Homosexuals should have the same rights of other people! They are normal persons, just with different preferences. Is that a sin? NO
Arshad Khalil
  • I support Arshad's proposal because he's fighting for a noble cause. Muslim Americans are often humilliated and oppressed just because of their race. Americans are so good on judging a group of people just for the acts of one person. This people should be treated equally, because they worked hard to stand where they are right now. They deserve to have same rights that a lazy white american has, or any other american!
Ligny Lugo
  • I support Ligny's idea. The ammendments are fine, what is not fine it's people's minds. It's unaceptable and unbelievable that there are still racists. African Americans are normal people, I don't get the hatred towards them. People are just taking History from like 200 years ago way too personal, and are blaming people that doesn't have anything to do with that past. African Americans should be treated equally!
Nelsharry Baerga
  • I like this proposal. Very simple, but very helpful. People with dissabilities may have a physical or mental disfunction, but they are humans, and God does not creates useless people. We all humans, with dissabilities or not, are talented and unique in different ways. Having a dissability doesn't make you a bad person, it just makes you different, but they can still do whatever they want.
Alysha Alvarado
  • I think the ERA (Equal Rights Ammendment) it's a brilliant idea. It will brake barriers. Problems like discrimination and racism can be eliminated. It is the change we all need. Maybe the World will never be perfect, but we can aim high and try to get there. This proposal should be taken in consideration.
Stephanie Ruiz
  • Let's make a change! Women that are mistreated tend to hide or to be in silence just because of fear and shame. The law should help woman to stand up against any barriers they might find in their lives. They are an important part of our society, and they need the Government's support to keep holding on!

lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

BE HEARD! My Proposal

Throughout the years, students have been mistreated. Our voices are not being heard, and we are letting other people make the important decisions for us. We are the future of the world; that is why we study hard. We don’t have to let anyone else make our decisions. We should have the power. Let’s raise our voice and speak our minds!
            In these days it is hard to speak ourselves because the Government, Policeman and Principals cut our wings when we try to protest against something. In the past, many protests were made in order to live in an Independence Nation. People made a lot of sacrifices in order to be treated equally. We now live in a free country thanks to those people who fought for us. Why does it have to be different now?
            Everyone in this world should have the same rights. Every student, doesn’t matter if it’s a Middle School, a High School or a College Student, they should have the right to be heard. Every student should have a free and a good education, and if it’s not free, it should be affordable. Education should not be a privilege, it is a RIGHT. As a student, if you have any concern or doubt, you should have the right to ask and make a change. You should be treated equally because you are the future. The future politicians, and other High Commanders, are studying hard in school right now.
              That is I propose the RYV Foundation, or the "Raise Your Voice Foundation". This foundation will work along the Government, and there would be at least one Social Worker from this foundation on each PUBLIC SCHOOL OR UNIVERSITY. Students often have doubts or concerns but they are not heard because School Principals are too busy to hear their concerns. This counselor would have only one job: LISTEN, and ONLY LISTEN to the students, and will try to help them by any matter. Neither school principals or any other faculty member shall intervene in this process.

"Raise your voice, Speak Your Mind, and Make a Change, because WE ALL MATTER."

Changes Throughout the Years

            Throughout the years students have been mistreated, not only in High School but also in College. Back in the 1600s and 1700s, schools were really strict about allowing people in schools. At first, only wealthy white students were allowed to attend High School and College. Sometimes, not even women.
            Many years passed and women were allowed to go to College. After the Civil War, African Americans were also allowed to go to College. Because of segregation, special schools and universities were built for them. After segregation ended in the 1960s, students from different races were allowed to attend a normal college.
            Now, we don’t see a lot of racism in schools, even though it still exists. The main problem involving students right now is that their voice it’s not being heard. The government is mistreating them, charging them and they don’t care for their needs. The treatment towards them has improved, they still have are not treated fairly.

Changes Throughout the Years

            Throughout the years students have been mistreated, not only in High School but also in College. Back in the 1600s and 1700s, schools were really strict about allowing people in schools. At first, only wealthy white students were allowed to attend High School and College. Sometimes, not even women.
            Many years passed and women were allowed to go to College. After the Civil War, African Americans were also allowed to go to College. Because of segregation, special schools and universities were built for them. After segregation ended in the 1960s, students from different races were allowed to attend a normal college.
            Now, we don’t see a lot of racism in schools, even though it still exists. The main problem involving students right now is that their voice it’s not being heard. The government is mistreating them, charging them and they don’t care for their needs. The treatment towards them has improved, they still have are not treated fairly.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011


                                                                 STUDENTS PROTEST              On Public High Schools, one of the major problems is bullying. Even though students don’t do a lot to stop this issue, some teachers, principals, and entities make a lot of campaigns. Last year, an 11-year-old student committed suicide because of bullying, and when students of a High School of Oklahoma heard about this, they try to do something about it. They created the campaign “Stand for the Silent”, which involves students signing a pledge card and receiving a wristband with the words "I am somebody”.
            Another common example of student activism is in College. Students are constantly fighting because the fees are increasing and College is getting way too expensive. These kinds of protests usually involve large students marching with big and signs throughout the streets or in front of a specific building. Sometimes, they would stand in front of the University so no one gets in, until their protests gather some results. These protests could last from one day, to even weeks. Here in Puerto Rico, there has happened this kind of situations where students would block the University’s entrance so no one can take classes until the Board of Education listens to them.
            The real question is, have this protests worked? Well, not so much. Students have been heard, but no one has ever moved a finger to please their needs. College is getting harder and harder to afford, and not everyone qualifies for a scholarship. Sometimes, students even get arrested for these protests, which in my opinion it is wrong cause is not letting them express themselves, which is breaking the 1st Amendment: FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011


            I can honestly say that the High School Students and College Students are one of the most mistreated groups in History. They have not only been mistreated just by the Government, but also by teachers, principals, and themselves. Even though there can be many causes for this mistreatment, I think the most common one is DISCRIMINATION.
            Throughout the years, there have been many cases of discrimination against students. A stereotype is what would lead to this kind of situation, where a student, who chooses to not follow the group, would end up being oppressed. One example of this is the oppression of Gay students. This type of oppression has been seen in classrooms, where teachers (Who should treat EQUALLY ALL OF HIS/HER STUDENTS) treated differently, and sometimes offensively, these students. Also, a similar situation happened when a lesbian student tried to bring her girlfriend as her date to prom and the school principal canceled this activity because he didn’t want couples of the same sex.
            This mistreatment hasn’t only come from teachers or principals, but also from the own STUDENTS. In High School there are many clichés, and many believe that if you want to survive in High School, you have to keep a GOOD REPUTATION. Normally, the minority groups are the ones who end up affected and bullied by the others.
            Even though discrimination against students occurs normally in High Schools, we can also see these events at college. It does not involve as much drama as High School, but discrimination against the LGBTI community still occurs in College. We also see oppression of religion, race and ethnicity.
            All these situations, the discrimination, the oppression, break the first amendment: FREEDOM OF SPEECH. I think that a human being should not be consider “free” is they don’t have the right to speak their mind (as long as it’s in a respectful way) and choose their own path. The only one who can judge us for our acts is God. No one in this Planet have the right to cut your wings, and if we don’t let a person have freedom of speech, then, in my honest opinion, the others amendments doesn’t do anything for us. In my honest opinion, all the amendments are somehow based on the first one. Is it that hard to accept a person who is different? We are all different and unique, in a good way, why people can’t understand that?

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Public University Students: Equalizers or Rebels?

               The students of Public Universities are one of the main groups of the United States. Even though they just composed 5% of the country’s population, they are, without any doubt, and influential and strong group that has experienced many changes throughout the years.
               When education was provided for the Americans in 1700s and 1800s, there were not many students, due to impossibility of many people to pay a good education, and, only white males were allowed to get an education. By the 1900s, these rules began to change, not only for the benefit of women, but also for African Americans and other races. The “Cave days” are now over, and from just a few thousands, now there are 16 million students in the United States, and the percentage it’s still increasing.
            There were so many committees in the Government that would help some groups to learn and fight for their rights, but no one seemed to care a lot for these students, which I found illogical because in order to serve your country, you need to study. Students are the future of every country, and they should be treated fairly. Back to the topic, because there were not many associations affiliated with these Universities, a lot of Student clubs and associations began to form (All this by the 1900s). These clubs or associations, one on each college, would protect the interests for the students, and to decide what is best for them.
                        This specific group of people has experienced many changes. In the past, they would protest for the wrong reasons. One of the major examples is when the white students did not wanted African Americans to attend their same college, but those times are over. Whites, African Americans, Latinos, and other races are able to assist to the same colleges and should not be discriminate because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.  
One of the major controversies involving the students is the fees. Due to the economic crisis in the U.S., the Government is thinking on raising the prize of education (books, credits, etc.) in order to make more money and get out of the crisis. The majority of the students are really   mad; because they think (and I think like them) that education is not a privilege, IT IS A RIGHT, and our legal rights are supposed to be free.
These students, that make protests and boycotts against the Government, are their a group of young, rebel terrorists, or they’re doing the right thing? Keep in touch with this blog for the following days and you will learn a lot of things of this group of people.