lunes, 11 de abril de 2011


            I can honestly say that the High School Students and College Students are one of the most mistreated groups in History. They have not only been mistreated just by the Government, but also by teachers, principals, and themselves. Even though there can be many causes for this mistreatment, I think the most common one is DISCRIMINATION.
            Throughout the years, there have been many cases of discrimination against students. A stereotype is what would lead to this kind of situation, where a student, who chooses to not follow the group, would end up being oppressed. One example of this is the oppression of Gay students. This type of oppression has been seen in classrooms, where teachers (Who should treat EQUALLY ALL OF HIS/HER STUDENTS) treated differently, and sometimes offensively, these students. Also, a similar situation happened when a lesbian student tried to bring her girlfriend as her date to prom and the school principal canceled this activity because he didn’t want couples of the same sex.
            This mistreatment hasn’t only come from teachers or principals, but also from the own STUDENTS. In High School there are many clichés, and many believe that if you want to survive in High School, you have to keep a GOOD REPUTATION. Normally, the minority groups are the ones who end up affected and bullied by the others.
            Even though discrimination against students occurs normally in High Schools, we can also see these events at college. It does not involve as much drama as High School, but discrimination against the LGBTI community still occurs in College. We also see oppression of religion, race and ethnicity.
            All these situations, the discrimination, the oppression, break the first amendment: FREEDOM OF SPEECH. I think that a human being should not be consider “free” is they don’t have the right to speak their mind (as long as it’s in a respectful way) and choose their own path. The only one who can judge us for our acts is God. No one in this Planet have the right to cut your wings, and if we don’t let a person have freedom of speech, then, in my honest opinion, the others amendments doesn’t do anything for us. In my honest opinion, all the amendments are somehow based on the first one. Is it that hard to accept a person who is different? We are all different and unique, in a good way, why people can’t understand that?

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